The District administers a Coordinated Capital Improvement Program (CCIP) to provide financial assistance to local land use and public works authorities for water quality improvement projects.

As a result of developing and implementing its water resource management plan, working with local government units within the watershed on local water plans and capital projects, and carrying out its permitting program, the District is aware of the challenges posed to sound, comprehensive surface water management by existing urban development. Existing development and impervious surface within the watershed constructed at an earlier time may not have applied due attention to minimizing and managing stormwater impacts under pre-existing regulatory conditions. Stormwater management in these areas may be improved through redevelopment and retrofit projects, space and available options often are constrained and measures may be expensive.

To facilitate improved stormwater management in existing developed areas, the District administers a Coordinated Capital Improvement Program (CCIP) to provide financial assistance to local land use and public works authorities for projects that benefit District water resources by directly improving water quality and/or the resilience of systems and resources that impact water quality.  The CCIP seeks to:

  • Facilitate exploration of water quality improvement opportunities by local government units within the District and incorporate those opportunities into routine infrastructure operation and maintenance projects;
  • Promote closer collaboration between local units and the District on water quality improvement efforts as an element of capital improvement plans;
  • Foster stormwater management innovation and create demonstration and education examples;
  • Defray local costs in the broader, watershed-wide interest of improving water quality;
  • Reduce the use of chlorides throughout the District while improving water quality;
  • Promote actions to increase resiliency of District resources

2025 CCIP Application

Applications are now being accepted for 2025 project funding cycle. Approved projects must be complete before Dec. 31, 2027. Grants may be awarded for up to 50% of the total project cost. CCIP grants are funded by District stormwater utility fees.  SWWD has up to $650,000 in CCIP funds in the South Washington Management Unit for 2025. Limited CCIP funding may be available in the Lower St. Croix and East Mississippi Management Units depending on interest. Contact SWWD staff for more information about funding in these areas.

Return applications to:     

South Washington Watershed District

2302 Tower Dr.

Woodbury, MN 55125

Due by:                March 11, 2025


Local government agencies, school districts, non‐profit organizations, and businesses within the SWWD are eligible to apply for funding through this program. Submitted applications must include stormwater capital improvements or infrastructure maintenance projects. New and redevelopment projects must provide stormwater treatment in excess of what is required by SWWD standards to be eligible for consideration.  Applicants located within SWWD’s Lower St. Croix and East Mississippi Management Units are encouraged to contact SWWD staff for further discussion and planning. 

Selection Process

Applications will be evaluated by SWWD’s staff and Citizen Advisory Committee to determine overall water quality benefit and proposals will be ranked on their cost and benefits. Funding allocations will be determined by the SWWD Board of Managers at their April Board meeting. The SWWD Board reserves the right to approve, deny, or offer partial funding to any applications. Submittal of an application, regardless of funding availability, does not guarantee acceptance into the program or an offer of funds by the SWWD.

All grants will be awarded contingent on approval following SWWD development review. Project designs must meet all SWWD standards and follow guidance provided in the SWWD standards manual. Development review applications for CCIP funded projects must include a maintenance plan for SWWD review. Successful grantees will be required to execute a grant agreement with SWWD. Grant funding will be released on a reimbursement basis following completion of the project and submission of a final report to SWWD consisting of a brief narrative, project photos, as-built plans (if applicable) and an itemized invoice detailing all project costs. 


Questions? Contact Kyle Axtell at 651-714-3718 or