Call for Artists: Public Art at Wilmes Lake Alum Treatment Facility

The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) seeks proposals to commission a professional artist or team of artists to design, fabricate and install a work of public art at the newly completed Wilmes Lake Alum Treatment Facility in Kargel Park, Woodbury, Minnesota. The selected artwork will be installed in a visible location on an exterior screen […]

Call for Artists: Artist in Residence 2025

The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) seeks a creative fine art aerial photographer and/or aerial videographer to celebrate and document the landscapes, ecosystems, natural resources, and diverse inhabitants that call southern Washington County home. The lengthened term of the artist’s residency is designed to allow exploration throughout the seasons and remove arbitrary timeline limitations from […]

Grit! The Chloride Free Alternative to Road Salts

To combat chloride pollution in the watershed, South Washington Watershed District will provide free grit this winter. Chicken grit or grit, is a chloride free, non-chemical alternative to salt for deicing roads, sidewalks, and driveways during the winter. How does grit work? Grit works physically to provide traction on top of ice, unlike deicers which […]

SWWD Celebrates the Confluence of Art and Water Resources

The South Washington Watershed District celebrated the conclusion of the 2024 SWWD Artist in Residence program with an artist exhibition, Connecting at the Confluence. A first time program for the District, hosting a resident artist to capture the natural resources of South Washington. Beginning in 2023, SWWD sought to incorporate something unique into its programming […]

SWWD Continues In-Lake Management of Aquatic Invasive Species

SWWD is continuing AIS management in fall 2024 and will be treating several bodies throughout the district for aquatic invasive species (AIS), including: Colby Lake, La Lake, Ravine Lake, and Wilmes Lake (south basin). Serval lakes have extensive infestations of Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) and curlyleaf pondweed (CLP). Treatments will be conducted using herbicides to address […]

Announcing John Loomis as District Administrator

The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) is excited to announce John Loomis as District Administrator, following the retirement of Administrator Matt Moore. John has dedicated 15 years to ensuring water quality in the South Washington Watershed District and is an esteemed member of the SWWD team. Have a question for the Administrator? Contact John by […]

Introducing Abby Tekiela as Water Resources Program Coordinator

The South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) is excited to introduce Abby Tekiela as the Water Resources Program Coordinator. In this new program for the District, Abby will coordinate with partners on all things outreach and education, work to grow our Campus Greening and Experiential Education programs, and support the District to engage with all who […]

SWWD Continues In-Lake Management of Aquatic Invasive Species

SWWD is continuing efforts started in 2022, and will be treating Colby Lake, Markgrafs Lake, Ravine Lake, and La Lake for aquatic invasive species (AIS). All lakes have extensive AIS infestations of curly-leaf pondweed (CLP). Colby Lake also is extensively infested with Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM). Colby, Ravine and La lakes are infested lake wide and […]

SWWD Watershed Management Plan Update

By state law, South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) is required to prepare a Watershed Management Plan every ten years. The new plan will cover the years 2026­­–2035 and establish the goals and programs that will guide our work over this time. While the plan due date is more than a year away, we’re excited to […]